Waimaria Veza
Chief executive Ko Orowhana te maunga Ko Rangiheke te awa Ko Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Hine me Ngapuhi oku iwi Ko Manukau te marae Waimaria has been working with Whare Timatatanga Hou Ora for over 10 years. She has a Bachelor in Social Services and was casework manager for over 5 years before becoming chief executive. Waimaria has a strong background in leading not-for-profit organisations. Her quiet personality leads and inspires exceptional operational performance by leading and building dynamic, high performing teams. Waimaria creates strong networks through her vision and forward thinking which will be particularly valuable as she leads the organisation towards independence. |
Glenyce Smith
Casework Manager Glenyce has a whakapapa to Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Hine and Ngāpuhi. She has a Bachelor of Social Services degree from Whare Wānanga o Raukawa. She has been with Whare Timatatanga Hou Ora since 2008. Her role is to ensure that the organisation meet their obligations for current contracts such as Baseline, Family Centred Services, Emergency Housing and Whānau Protect services. |
Grace Hill-Lydiard
Child Advocate / Administrator Grace has been with Whare Timatatanga Hou Ora for four years. She is of Māori descent and has a whakapapa to Ngāpuhi. Grace has an interest in supporting youth and in particular young mothers who come into our service. Her role as the administrator is to field all enquiries into the organisation and to support with financial obligations. Grace is currently completing a diploma in Child Advocacy. |
Board of Trustees
Gillian Houghton
Chairperson Ko Maunga Taniwha te maunga, ko Ngatokimatawhaorua, ko Mahuhu me Kurahaupo nga waka, ko Utakura te awa, Ko Hokianga te moana, ko Te Heuheu ko Mataraua, ko Te Paatu ko Pamapuria nga marae, nga tino rangatira o nga iwi, nga whanau nga hapu ko Ngapuhi nui tonu, ko Ngati Whatua, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kuri, Ngati Kahu, Ngai Takato, me Te Paatu. Gillian has 6+ years experience in Whare Timatatanga Hou Ora INC (kaitaia Womens Refuge) as past treasurer and current chairperson. She also has 15 years experience as a past chairperson and treasurer in Te Kotoku Ki Te Rangi's board Winnie Morey
Board Secretary Ko Rangiputa te maunga Ko Awaroa te awa Ko Te Kotahitanga te Marae Ko Te Rārawa, Te Aupouri ngā iwi Ko Ngāti Haua te hapu Winnie has a background in business and staff management. She is currently employed at Kaitaia hospital and assists iwi from all over the North Island. Kirimatao Paipa
Trustee Ko Horouta, ko Te Arawa, ko Tainui ngā waka Ko Hikurangi, ko Kauae, ko Ngā Pae o Tararua ngā maunga Ko Porourangi, ko Tamatekapua, ko Tukorehe ngā tāngata Ko Ngāti Pōrou, ko Te Arawa, ko Tainui ngā iwi Ko Ngāti Horowai, ko Ngāti Whakaue, ko Ngāti Tukorehe ngā hapū Ko ahau tēnei e mihi maioha nei ki ngā tini piringa-ā-iwi o Muriwhenua The skills and competencies Kirimatao brings as an evaluator, researcher and trainer will serve the new direction of the organisation well. Kirimatao has experience in developing women's refuges nationwide, working alongside iwi and mainstream providers. Her passion for building Māori wellbeing and potential will be put to good use as Whare Tīmatatanga Hou Ora moves to another level of operation in the new year. Greg Woodcock
Trustee Greg Woodcock is a Registered Clinical Psychologist with over 16 years clinical experience. He was Constituent Secretary for Onehunga from 1984 - 1991, Onehunga Borough Councillor from 1986 - 1990, a Crown Mediator from 1986 - 1988, the State Service Commission's Senior Advisor to Government from 1988 - 1992, was a Forensic Psychologist/Clinical Psychologist for Mason Clinic from 1992 - 2004, a member of the Legal Aid Review Panel from 2002 - 2008, the Founding Chairperson of Onehunga Youth Trust from 1988 - 2016 and a Trustee from 2016 - present and a member of the board of Te Kotuku Ki Te Rangi Charitable Trust from 2008 - present and its Deputy Chairperson from 2014 - present. Greg has also been involved with the Anglican and Catholic churches. John McLean
Trustee Ko John McLean tōku ingoa ko ahau tētahi uri o Te Rārawa ko ahau kai whare. It is my honor to be part of this ropu Whare Timatatanga Hou Ora Inc., and I totally support their kaupapa of protecting all whānau and children. Tēnā rā koutou katoa. |