Train to be a Women's Refuge Volunteer (Advocate)
The gift of your time and skills is one of the most valuable ways you can help us.
The majority of our workforce is voluntary, assisting thousands of families every year break the cycle of violence.
There are many ways you can help support our work. You can train to be a Women’s Refuge Volunteer (Advocate) and work directly with female, youth and child victims of domestic violence; help collect and sort donations that we receive from our local community that we then give to whanau in need.
What work would I be doing? Becoming a Women’s Refuge advocate involves supporting women to empower themselves, and working collectively to promote safety and non-violence for women and children in their communities and hapū.
As a volunteer you will provide support, advocacy and information for women and children experiencing domestic violence. Your most important job will be offering phone support through our 24-hour Crisis line, helping our staff with our most important service. The Crisis line calls from women in your area are diverted to your home or cellphone during your shift.
You may also need to pick up an unsafe woman – and children if she has any – to admit them to your local safe house. You should always be supported by a Volunteer buddy or police escort.
You may also be helping undertake political work and education in your community.
What does the training involve? We provide a full initial training course for all new volunteers, plus ongoing training, support and supervision once you start work. Training takes about 60 hours of your time, and is free.
You will be fully trained to provide non-judgmental support and advocacy for women and children of different cultures, backgrounds, sexual identities, sociology-economic groups, and abilities. You will be equipped with all the skills and knowledge needed for support work at Women’s Refuge.
Training is a powerful learning experience: we explore political ideas, identity, and issues around domestic violence while working as a group in a warm, welcoming training space. Please contact us on 09408 2946 or send us an email to [email protected] to find out more, or the dates of our next training course.
How often would you need me? Volunteers are asked to commit to a certain number of shifts, depending on your location in Kaitaia, The hours are flexible.
What skills do I need? We need people who are:
The majority of our workforce is voluntary, assisting thousands of families every year break the cycle of violence.
There are many ways you can help support our work. You can train to be a Women’s Refuge Volunteer (Advocate) and work directly with female, youth and child victims of domestic violence; help collect and sort donations that we receive from our local community that we then give to whanau in need.
What work would I be doing? Becoming a Women’s Refuge advocate involves supporting women to empower themselves, and working collectively to promote safety and non-violence for women and children in their communities and hapū.
As a volunteer you will provide support, advocacy and information for women and children experiencing domestic violence. Your most important job will be offering phone support through our 24-hour Crisis line, helping our staff with our most important service. The Crisis line calls from women in your area are diverted to your home or cellphone during your shift.
You may also need to pick up an unsafe woman – and children if she has any – to admit them to your local safe house. You should always be supported by a Volunteer buddy or police escort.
You may also be helping undertake political work and education in your community.
What does the training involve? We provide a full initial training course for all new volunteers, plus ongoing training, support and supervision once you start work. Training takes about 60 hours of your time, and is free.
You will be fully trained to provide non-judgmental support and advocacy for women and children of different cultures, backgrounds, sexual identities, sociology-economic groups, and abilities. You will be equipped with all the skills and knowledge needed for support work at Women’s Refuge.
Training is a powerful learning experience: we explore political ideas, identity, and issues around domestic violence while working as a group in a warm, welcoming training space. Please contact us on 09408 2946 or send us an email to [email protected] to find out more, or the dates of our next training course.
How often would you need me? Volunteers are asked to commit to a certain number of shifts, depending on your location in Kaitaia, The hours are flexible.
What skills do I need? We need people who are:
- Able to listen
- non-judgmental
- keen to learn
- supportive of women and children’s rights
- Able to commit their time regularly.